Italy, Vado Ligure (SV) – Port new breakwater

The project involves the construction of the new breakwater by hauling the caissons from the terminal section of the existing dam, which will be relocated along the new route on a tout venant basement platform based at depths between 38 m and 50 m.

Italy, Vado Ligure (SV) – Port new breakwater

The project involves the construction of the new breakwater by hauling the caissons from the terminal section of the existing dam, which will be relocated along the new route on a tout venant basement platform based at depths between 38 m and 50 m.

The planimetric configuration of the new dam consists of a section that follows, for a development of 360 m towards the sea, the final configuration of the dam envisaged in the Port Regulatory Plan, and of a provisional connecting section, for a development of 100 m, which allows the connection between the old dam and the new one.

The planimetric configuration of the new dam consists of a section that follows, for a development of 360 m towards the sea, the final configuration of the dam envisaged in the Port Regulatory Plan, and of a provisional connecting section, for a development of 100 m, which allows the connection between the old dam and the new one.




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