Italy, Brindisi – Pier of Costa Morena

Completion works of the jetty of “Costa Morena” quay in the Port of Brindisi and dredging to increase the draft of surrounding water to -14.00 and -9.00, respectively.

Completion of Costa Morena Eastern Jetty, and dredging to increase the draft to -14.00. First lot.

Functional completion of the Eastern Jetty of Costa Morena quay, and dredging to increase the draft to -14.00 – Second Lot

Italy, Brindisi – Pier of Costa Morena

Completion works of the jetty of “Costa Morena” quay in the Port of Brindisi and dredging to increase the draft of surrounding water to -14.00 and -9.00, respectively.

Completion of Costa Morena Eastern Jetty, and dredging to increase the draft to -14.00. First lot.

Functional completion of the Eastern Jetty of Costa Morena quay, and dredging to increase the draft to -14.00 – Second Lot

Completion works of the jetty of “Costa Morena” quay in the Port of Brindisi and dredging to increase the draft of surrounding water to -14.00 and -9.00, respectively.

Employer: Consorzio per lo Sviluppo Industriale e di Servizi Reali alle Imprese (SISRI) (formerly Consorzio del Porto e dell’A.S.I.)
Date: 1992 — 1996

The main works carried out were:

  • construction of 640 m of quay wall with draft of 14 m and 9 m consisting of (approved upon project variation) reinforced cellular concrete caissons and superstructure in reinforced concrete equipped with bollards, fenders, ladders, etc.;
  • reclamation works  of water basins and levelling of a hill to create quay areas of approximately 192,000 m²;
  • construction of sewers and rain water drains, paving of quay aprons;
  • construction of a covered canal 149,20 m long, of which m 137 are covered and accessible, for the deviation of a stream (Fiume Piccolo), at the Western end of the area. The canal has an internal rectangular section width 10 m  and height 2.48 m, with the slab and walls made of pre-stressed reinforced concrete;
  • arrangement of the outlet of the deviated canal (Fiume Piccolo), limited to the north by armour rock and the earth retaining wall of the quay area and limited to the South by a quay length 127 m with a draft of 1.90 m;
  • dredging works to -9.00 m and -14.00 m of the sea bed in front of the quay wall including underwater demolition and removal of a rock embankment called “Secca del Fico”, situated 150 m from the quays.

Completion of Costa Morena Eastern Jetty, and dredging to increase the draft to -14.00. First lot.

Employer: Brindisi Port Authority
Date: 03/12/1999—30/04/2004

  • The intervention consists in  the construction of the Eastern jetty of Costa Morena quay, as well as the dredging of the surrounding sea bed up to –14 m.  The following works were carried out:
  • Dredging for the foundation and the placing of type A and B cellular caissons and dredging of the superficial (silty sandy material) layer of the basin, for a total of 150,000 m³;
  • Construction at GLF site in Taranto, towing and placing of No. 8 type A reinforced concrete cellular caissons (m 24.73 x 10.00 x 15.30 size), concrete grade Rck 250N/mm² and  reinforcement steel grade FeB44k, and construction, placing and launching with Benedetta in Brindisi of No. 17 type B reinforced concrete cellular caissons (m 23.40 x 13.00 x 19.30 size), concrete grade Rck 250N/mm² and reinforcement steel grade FeB44k;
  • Construction of reclamation between the existing coastline and the caissons, utilizing quarry materials;
  • Construction of approx. 556 m of reinforced concrete quay superstructure (5.90 x (h) 2.25 on average), on reinforced concrete caissons, using concrete grade Rck 250N/mm² and reinforcement steel grade FeB44k;
  • Construction of deposit for dredged material clad with geotextile and geomembrane for impermeabilization.

Functional completion of the Eastern Jetty of Costa Morena quay, and dredging to increase the draft to -14.00 – Second Lot

Employer : Brindisi Port Authority
Date: 25/05/2005-10/09/2007

The intervention consists in the completion of the Eastern jetty of Costa Morena quay, as well as dredging of surrounding sea bed up to –14 m draft. The works comprise the continuation of the works already completed as part of the 1st Allotment.

The main works to be carried out are:

  • Dredging for a total of 90,000 m³;
  • Construction, towing and placing in of no. 13 reinforced concrete cellular caissons (23.40 x 10.00 x 15.30 m size), 1 reinforced concrete cellular caisson (17.65 x 10.00 x 15.30), concrete employed: Rck 25 N/mm² and  FeB44k steel;
  • Reclamation works 1,161,000 m³ using quarry material;
  • Construction of approx. 330 m of quay superstructure 5.90 m average height 2.23 m, on the caissons using Rck 25 N/mm² concrete and FeB44k steel;
  • Construction of basin for the collection of dredged material, clad with geotextile and geomembrane for impermeability.

Completion works of the jetty of “Costa Morena” quay in the Port of Brindisi and dredging to increase the draft of surrounding water to -14.00 and -9.00, respectively.

Employer: Consorzio per lo Sviluppo Industriale e di Servizi Reali alle Imprese (SISRI) (formerly Consorzio del Porto e dell’A.S.I.)
Date: 1992 — 1996

The main works carried out were:

  • construction of 640 m of quay wall with draft of 14 m and 9 m consisting of (approved upon project variation) reinforced cellular concrete caissons and superstructure in reinforced concrete equipped with bollards, fenders, ladders, etc.;
  • reclamation works  of water basins and levelling of a hill to create quay areas of approximately 192,000 m²;
  • construction of sewers and rain water drains, paving of quay aprons;
  • construction of a covered canal 149,20 m long, of which m 137 are covered and accessible, for the deviation of a stream (Fiume Piccolo), at the Western end of the area. The canal has an internal rectangular section width 10 m  and height 2.48 m, with the slab and walls made of pre-stressed reinforced concrete;
  • arrangement of the outlet of the deviated canal (Fiume Piccolo), limited to the north by armour rock and the earth retaining wall of the quay area and limited to the South by a quay length 127 m with a draft of 1.90 m;
  • dredging works to -9.00 m and -14.00 m of the sea bed in front of the quay wall including underwater demolition and removal of a rock embankment called “Secca del Fico”, situated 150 m from the quays.

Completion of Costa Morena Eastern Jetty, and dredging to increase the draft to -14.00. First lot.

Employer: Brindisi Port Authority
Date: 03/12/1999—30/04/2004

  • The intervention consists in  the construction of the Eastern jetty of Costa Morena quay, as well as the dredging of the surrounding sea bed up to –14 m.  The following works were carried out:
  • Dredging for the foundation and the placing of type A and B cellular caissons and dredging of the superficial (silty sandy material) layer of the basin, for a total of 150,000 m³;
  • Construction at GLF site in Taranto, towing and placing of No. 8 type A reinforced concrete cellular caissons (m 24.73 x 10.00 x 15.30 size), concrete grade Rck 250N/mm² and  reinforcement steel grade FeB44k, and construction, placing and launching with Benedetta in Brindisi of No. 17 type B reinforced concrete cellular caissons (m 23.40 x 13.00 x 19.30 size), concrete grade Rck 250N/mm² and reinforcement steel grade FeB44k;
  • Construction of reclamation between the existing coastline and the caissons, utilizing quarry materials;
  • Construction of approx. 556 m of reinforced concrete quay superstructure (5.90 x (h) 2.25 on average), on reinforced concrete caissons, using concrete grade Rck 250N/mm² and reinforcement steel grade FeB44k;
  • Construction of deposit for dredged material clad with geotextile and geomembrane for impermeabilization.

Functional completion of the Eastern Jetty of Costa Morena quay, and dredging to increase the draft to -14.00 – Second Lot

Employer : Brindisi Port Authority
Date: 25/05/2005-10/09/2007

The intervention consists in the completion of the Eastern jetty of Costa Morena quay, as well as dredging of surrounding sea bed up to –14 m draft. The works comprise the continuation of the works already completed as part of the 1st Allotment.

The main works to be carried out are:

  • Dredging for a total of 90,000 m³;
  • Construction, towing and placing in of no. 13 reinforced concrete cellular caissons (23.40 x 10.00 x 15.30 m size), 1 reinforced concrete cellular caisson (17.65 x 10.00 x 15.30), concrete employed: Rck 25 N/mm² and  FeB44k steel;
  • Reclamation works 1,161,000 m³ using quarry material;
  • Construction of approx. 330 m of quay superstructure 5.90 m average height 2.23 m, on the caissons using Rck 25 N/mm² concrete and FeB44k steel;
  • Construction of basin for the collection of dredged material, clad with geotextile and geomembrane for impermeability.




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