Rock dredging activities with CSD dredger continue and guided tours of both institutional, scientific and didactic subjects follow one another. On 31.05.2022 a guided tour of the teaching staff and the students of the civil, environmental and construction engineering courses of the Polytechnic of Bari (Dicatech department) took place, with the scientific coordination of Prof. ing. Leonardo DAMIANI.
During the visit it was possible to provide a general overview of the port area of Bari thanks to the support of the technicians of the MAM Port System Authority. Subsequently it was possible to illustrate in detail the works already carried out by Fincosit in the Pizzoli-Marisabella areas, the rock dredging activities in progress and the construction works that will allow the completion of the quays, the squares and the river works envisaged in the project.
The students were given a focus on the particularities of floating work vehicles used in maritime constructions, such as CSD dredgers, prefabrication systems for cellular caissons in reinforced concrete, motor pontoons, pontoons with cranes, tugs, pushers, hydro boats and other minor support vehicles, the type of vessels visible on site during the guided tour.


